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Writer's picture: Gene Benjamin IIGene Benjamin II




All Scripture is taken from the Son Of Man Bible (SOMB), e-Sword Bible program module for PC, Apple, Android, and Linux computers, available from and E-Sword is available at All FREE and LEGALLY FREED, of course, under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Original work available at

I’ve been told that I’m judging. Well, yes, we are to judge doctrines, teachings, theories, and theologies. Colossians 2:16-17, “So then, let no one but the body of Messiah judge you in eating or in drinking, or about an appointment calendar festival, or a new moon, or about Sabbaths. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come.” We do not have the authority to judge people, we only have authority to judge their teachings, theories, and spiritual fruit. Personally, I do not care whether or not you keep Sabbath on a lunar Sabbath schedule or calendar, or on a solar Sabbath schedule or calendar, or if you keep Sabbath at all. You and I will be judged by Yahweh and His Word. Do what you will. Yahweh’s word will either justify us or condemn us. I suggest we choose life by His Word.

So today, we’re going to look at the First Feast of Yahweh as described in Leviticus 23:1-3, “Yahweh spoke to Moses: 2 “Speak to the people of Israel, and say to them, ’These are the appointment calendar festivals of Yahweh, which you must proclaim as holy assemblies; they are my appointment calendar festivals. 3 You may work for six days, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of complete rest, a holy assembly. You must do no work, because it is a Sabbath for Yahweh in all the places where you live.”

The seventh-day Sabbath is the first holiday, holy day, holy convocation, holy rehearsal, listed in Leviticus 23. Read verse 3 very carefully. Read verse 3 as many times as you need to. Meditate on verse 3 for as long as you need to. Again, for the umpteenth time, how does Yahweh specify we determine the Sabbath rest holiday, or rehearsal? See it? Yes, we count six days of work, then the seventh day is our Sabbath day of rest with Yahweh!! Do you see any difference between Leviticus 23:3 and Genesis 2:1-3, or Exodus 20:8-11, or Exodus 16? No, of course not. The daily 24-hour count of days, 6 days work, 7th-day is the Sabbath, has remained the same since the first week of creation.

That word Sabbath in verse 3 is Shabbath, Shabbat, Strong’s # 7676, the Sabbath, the Sabbath week, it means intermission. Take a break, folks. Give me a break, please!! That word “rest” there in verse 3 is again Shabbathown, Strong’s # 7677, the weekly Sabbath observance, a sabbatism, or special holiday. That is why Yahweh included it in Chapter 23 with all the other Feasts of Yahweh. But the way Yahweh determines the Sabbath remains the same, consistently, throughout Scripture, as a 7-day count of 24-hour days, from the first week of creation. Week in week out. Why did Yahweh place the Sabbath first in this list of Feasts? Well, let’s see, He created time, then seven days later, he created the first Sabbath. It was the first Feast, holy holiday that Yahweh created. Is that too hard to understand?

The Sabbath is like breathing in Ruach Ha’Kodesh. It’s Yahweh’s heartbeat. It should be the heartbeat of his children. Is it your heartbeat? It’s my heartbeat, but I’m heartbroken that I’ve only been following Yahweh’s Sabbath heartbeat for the last 15 years. Before that time, my heart was off-beating on the wrong day of the week. How could I have been resting on the first day of the week, when I should have been out working on that day? My life was out of sync with Yahweh for the first 30 years of my walk with Him. Is that sad or what? Please re-sync your heartbeat with Yahweh’s today. Do not delay another week without getting in step with Yahweh and his perfect will for your life. Work six days then rest on the seventh day. Don’t rest on the first day of the week, then end up working on Yahweh’s Sabbath. That is called disobedience. Your life will continue to be a muddled mess until you get sync’d up with Yahweh on his clock and biblical calendar. Just remember, the 24 hour clock was invented 3 days before the sun, moon, and stars were even created! That should be our first clue as to how to count towards the weekly Sabbath!!

So, what are we rehearsing each week on Sabbath? Eternal rest in Yahweh, that’s what. It’s one wonderful way to taste the good eternal things to come. The writer of Hebrews said it best: Hebrews 4:1-16, “Therefore, let us be very careful so that none of you might seem to have failed to reach the promise left behind for you to enter Yahweh’s rest. 2 For we were told the gospel just as they were. But that message did not benefit those who did not unite in faith with those who obeyed. 3 For we who have believed are the ones who will enter that rest, just as he said, “As I swore in my wrath, they will never enter my rest.” Even so, his created works were finished at the foundation of the world (<<< CLUE!!). 4 For he has said somewhere about the seventh day, “Yahweh rested on the seventh day from all his deeds.” 5 Again he has said, “They will never enter my rest.” 6 Therefore, because it is still reserved for some to enter his rest, and since many Israelites who heard the gospel did not enter it because of disobedience, 7 Yahweh has again set a certain day called, “Today.” After many days, he spoke through David, as it was earlier said, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.” 8 For if Joshua the son of Nun had given them rest, Yahweh would not have spoken later on about another day. 9 Therefore, there is still a Sabbath rest reserved for Yahweh’s people. 10 For he who enters into Yahweh’s rest has himself also rested from his deeds, just as Yahweh did from his. 11 Therefore, let us be eager to enter that rest, so that no one will fall into the kind of disobedience that they did. 12 For the word of Yahweh is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. It pierces even to the division of soul from spirit, and joints from marrow. It is able to know the heart’s thoughts and intentions. 13 Nothing created is hidden before Yahweh. Instead, everything is bare and open to the eyes of the One to whom we must give account. 14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Yeshua the Son of Yahweh, let us firmly hold to our beliefs. 15 For we do not have a high priest who cannot feel sympathy for our weaknesses. Instead, we have someone who has in all ways been tempted as we are, except that he is without sin. 16 Let us then go with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

I’m needy, we’re all needy. We need Yahweh’s seventh-day Sabbath rest.

Gene Benjamin II

July 14, 2018

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Gene and Marner Benjamin started Fill My Cup Ministries in 2010. Go to the About Us page to learn more.




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