No—Not One!
(Poet’s idea taken from Luke 18:18-19; John 8:7; 1 Samuel 2:2)
Maybe you don’t gamble
Or light any kind of smokes
Or go to X-rated movies
Or tell any dirty jokes
Maybe you don’t steal or
Never killed a soul
Don’t drink any liquor
Don’t lose your self-control
Or maybe even—you’ve never told a lie
Never once slept with somebody else’s guy
We all would love to live—I guess—a perfect life
Putting away all hatred, all anger, all strife
It’s funny how we all point our fingers at our neighbors
When we criticize them—we say we’re doing them favors
One time some persons called my Yeshua “good”—not meaning to bother
Yeshua interrupted and said no one is good—except for the father
So next time we decide that we’ve been really good
Don’t forget to give the credit to whom we know—we should
Now there are some of us that have grown a lot more than others
But this doesn’t give us permission to put down our brothers
Let’s just thank the Master for all that he has done
Forever praising Him for sending us his Son
Let us pray for ourselves that we grow closer to Messiah
Please if you can try to remember this advice
Our lips can kill a person quicker than any gun
Remember we all are sinners—no—not one
Oh, I love Yeshua—He’s the Holy One
Even though he was without blemish
Still he said—no—not one!
Yes, the Master knows—all the places you have been
So stop your struggling with your sin
Thank Him people again and again for what He’s done
Remember we all bleed—No—NOT ONE!!