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Writer's pictureGene Benjamin II

The Other Edge of the Sword

The Other Edge of the Sword

Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of Yahweh is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

John 1:1-5, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Yahweh, and the Word was Yahweh. 2He was in the beginning with Yahweh. 3All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”

Revelation 19:9-10, “Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’” And he said to me, “These are the true sayings of Yahweh.” 10And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Yeshua. Worship Yahweh! For the testimony of Yeshua is the spirit of prophecy.””

Some folks don’t think I believe in or follow Yeshua in His grace. Well, I’ve lived in Yeshua’s grace for almost 40 years now. Yeshua is one Person, but with two distinct sides to His personality. We know Him best as our sacrificial Lamb, our Savior. Over the past few years, Yeshua has been revealing Himself to me as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, our Judge. I’m glad I’m redeemed through the blood of the Lamb of Yahweh. I’m glad I’ve experienced the beginning of salvation by grace and His healing and filling with His Holy Spirit. But I want to know ALL OF HIM, not just the nice guy Who died for me 1,981 years ago. I want to know Him as the King and Judge Who will bring His Kingdom to this planet and establish His law and justice for us for all eternity. He has promised to give me a kingdom. I’ve walked in His way of grace and divine healing for almost 4 decades. It’s been wonderful in my spirit, but brutal on my flesh. I’m ready to receive my incorruptible immortal body.

The church has stumbled along for 1,981 years and has not accomplished its mission to date. The world is still full of sin, sinners, depravity, violence, and injustice of all kinds. We’ve only seen a very few of Yahweh’s promises come to pass. Most all promises in the Scriptures remain unfulfilled. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are still waiting to receive their promises. You’re still waiting, and I’m still waiting. All of creation is still waiting and groaning under the weight of sin. It’s time to seek Yahweh for Yahweh, and not for what little trinkets He can give us. Our Mighty One is a consuming fire. The world has not seen Him manifested like that yet, but we will soon.

I’m just trying to get the church ready for intense persecution. Our brothers and sisters around the world are being martyred for Yeshua on a daily basis. America has been spared this reality while she was proclaiming the gospel. But America has changed; America has kicked Yahweh off the national throne. As a nation, we no longer trust Yahweh, as our money declares. We trust in Wall Street, ballplayers, or in politicians, all whom are liars and cheats. We trust in a military that has not won one single war in 66 years! How blind are we? And now we have a homosexual military to boot! Wake up America, judgment awaits us.

Sure, I’d be real excited to get raptured out of here before severe persecution sets in, but our martyred brethren around the globe were not raptured out. My brothers and sisters in Yeshua SUFFER for Him, they don’t take advantage of His grace! We want to use Yeshua and His people so we can have more stuff. Friends, you’ll soon be choking on your stuff. What are you going to do when the Muslim S.W.A.T. team kicks your door in? American Christians TODAY are being sued and arrested for witnessing to Muslims IN AMERICA!! You think I’m lying? Just go down to your local mosque and pass out a few gospel tracks. Nothing like first hand experience to grow you up in the faith.

If you think that believers DO NOT need to repent of sin and get right with Yahweh, there is nothing Yahweh, Yeshua, Holy Spirit, or I can say that will help you in the coming days and years. Read the blogs about making wine or bean soup, don’t read my blog, it won’t help you. Yeshua is NOT COMING BACK for a spotless wrinkle-free bride, for she will never be such a bride in this flesh. Ephesians 5 shows us that He desires a holy, righteous bride, but we will never measure up while imprisoned in this body of death. We need our incorruptible body, we want our incorruptible body, and soon we’ll receive our incorruptible body. At this moment we are reckoned righteous and holy in Yeshua through His blood atonement, but we are waiting, sometimes even patiently, for the reality of this spiritual reckoning to come from heaven to earth to make it an historical fact.

Knowing Yeshua the Lamb of Yahweh has not accomplished the whole counsel of Yahweh, that’s why we need to know, and will soon meet, the Lion of Yahweh, our just Judge. For it is the Judge of Yahweh Who has the power and authority to fulfill the promises of Scripture, to resurrect the dead in Yeshua, to transform the raptured in Yeshua, to bring Yahweh’s Kingdom from heaven to earth, to wipe out the wicked nations, to bind Satan, to make the spotless wrinkle-free bride a reality, not just a good Saturday or Sunday morning vision. Yeshua just wants a people ready and willing to crown Him their King when He does show up. He was rejected the first time He showed up and that does not sit well with Him, so will you be one who rejects Him this time around, or will you humble yourself, repent of your wicked self, and welcome your King and Creator with all your heart? You always have a choice, choose life.

The Lion of Judah is coming as King and Judge of the Universe. He is our Bridegroom coming for His bride, as the trumpet blown at Yom Teruah announces. Are you a bride prepared for her groom? The wedding guest list is settled on Yom Kippur and the wedding celebration occurs during Tabernacles. Get ready to receive Him!

Happy Holy Days,

Gene Benjamin II

September 30, 2011 CE

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