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Writer's pictureGene Benjamin II

Why Yahweh Will Judge the Earth

Why Yahweh Will Judge the Earth

Isaiah 26, “In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah (modern State of Israel):

“We have a strong city;

Yahweh will appoint salvation for walls and bulwarks.

2  Open the gates,

That the righteous nation which keeps the truth may enter in.

3  You will keep him in perfect peace,

Whose mind is stayed on You,

Because he trusts in You.

4  Trust in Yahweh forever,

For in YAH, Yahweh, is everlasting strength.”

Israel has an appointment with salvation, but it will only occur when they are ready to accept Yeshua as their Messiah. Salvation has always been by grace through faith in Yeshua, by trust in Him, Yahweh. He must always be the object of our faith. It does you no good to trust in rabbis, Torah scrolls, or liturgy down at the local synagogue. Faith and trust in Yahweh alone brings us His perfect peace and everlasting strength. Read Romans 9-11 and understand that the phrase in 11:26, “And so all Israel will be saved” means that Jews, all Israelis, will be saved in the same way or manner in which Gentiles are saved, by grace through faith in Yeshua. Apart from Yeshua’s blood, there is no atonement for our sin.

“5For He brings down those who dwell on high,

The lofty city;

He lays it low,

He lays it low to the ground,

He brings it down to the dust.

6  The foot shall tread it down—

The feet of the poor

And the steps of the needy.”

Just contemplate for a moment how much pride and arrogance wanders around the halls in Washington D.C., the U.N. building in New York City, the Hague, Moscow, Beijing, Tehran. Yahweh is more than able to humble the arrogance of man. There is a day appointed for this to happen, which is approaching at lightning speed. Oh look, the poor and needy will tread down the greatness of proud men.

“7The way of the just is uprightness;

O Most Upright,

You weigh the path of the just.

8  Yes, in the way of Your judgments,

O Yahweh, we have waited for You;

The desire of our soul is for Your name (Yahweh)

And for the remembrance of You.

9  With my soul I have desired You in the night,

Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You early;

For when Your judgments are in the earth,

The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.”

We want Yahweh; we want Yahweh’s law; we want Yahweh’s commandments; we want Yahweh’s way. Yahweh is bringing judgment upon the earth to teach man His righteousness. When it’s all said and done, Yahweh will be the last Man standing, His Kingdom will be established, His way will be the only way allowed and the only way that will remain forever.

“10Let grace be shown to the wicked,

Yet he will not learn righteousness;

In the land of uprightness he will deal unjustly,

And will not behold the majesty of Yahweh.

11 Yahweh, when Your hand is lifted up, they will not see.

But they will see and be ashamed

For their envy of people;

Yes, the fire of Your enemies shall devour them.”

I don’t know if there is any more condemning words found anywhere else in the Scriptures. Yahweh has extended grace to mankind for about 6,000 years now, and yet the wicked still do not learn His righteousness. The days for envy and strife are about over. Do you realize that the Lake of Fire may be made up of nothing more than burning sinners and their sin? Yahweh has set a time limit for sin and sinners existence in His creation. That time is rapidly coming to an end. Yahweh is a consuming fire. On one hand, His fire purifies the saint so he can be holy and righteous like his Father. On the other hand, Yahweh destroys sin and sinners in His fire of judgment. When you turn your face to Yahweh, seeking Him, the fire of His Holy Spirit will apply the blood of Yeshua to you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. But if you turn your back on Yahweh and try to run from Him, His Holy Spirit will simply bowl you over and knock you into the Lake of Fire. Humble yourself and turn to Yahweh today to experience His love and forgiveness, available through Yeshua HaMashiach, His Son.

“12Yahweh, You will establish peace for us,

For You have also done all our works in us.

13 O Yahweh our Mighty One, masters besides You

Have had dominion over us;

But by You only we make mention of Your name.

14 They are dead, they will not live;

They are deceased, they will not rise.

Therefore You have punished and destroyed them,

And made all their memory to perish.

15 You have increased the nation, O Yahweh,

You have increased the nation;

You are glorified;

You have expanded all the borders of the land.”

No matter how great your ministry is, never forget Who does the work in you. He can do your ministry without you, but you cannot do your ministry without Him. The wicked masters who have beaten us down will die, an eternal death from which they have no hope of resurrecting to life. Yahweh’s goal is to build His family, His kingdom, His nation upon this earth. He wants to expand the Promised Land, NOT DIVIDE IT! Taking the side of Yahweh’s enemies, seeking the destruction of Israel, or the dividing of His Land is a stupid decision, guaranteeing a certain and deadly end.

“16Yahweh, in trouble they have visited You,

They poured out a prayer when Your chastening was upon them.

17 As a woman with child

Is in pain and cries out in her pangs,

When she draws near the time of her delivery,

So have we been in Your sight, O Yahweh.

18 We have been with child, we have been in pain;

We have, as it were, brought forth wind;

We have not accomplished any deliverance in the earth,

Nor have the inhabitants of the world fallen.”

Do you only pray to Yahweh when you’re in trouble? Unfortunately, that’s the case with too many of Yahweh’s children. He would like to meet with you daily, even moment by moment. You’ve heard these words before haven’t you? Is this where John the Revelator received his inspired words for Revelation 12? Possibly. The woman, the church, Israel, brought forth wind in Isaiah’s day, not mixing the word with faith, as the writer of Hebrews 4:2 explains, “For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it.” What did the church bring forth in John’s revelation? Right, Yahweh brought forth His only begotten Son about 2,000 years ago. Ok, so what is the church in labor pain for now, today, at the end of time? We long for the Kingdom of Yahweh to bring deliverance to the earth. Deliverance for us is judgment for the wicked world.

“19Your dead shall live;

Together with my dead body they shall arise.

Awake and sing, you who dwell in dust;

For your dew is like the dew of herbs,

And the earth shall cast out the dead.

20 Come, my people, enter your chambers,

And shut your doors behind you;

Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment,

Until the indignation is past.

21 For behold, Yahweh comes out of His place

    To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity;

The earth will also disclose her blood,

And will no more cover her slain.”

We labor in much pain for resurrection day, rapture day, judgment day, our Jubilee! Isaiah is looking forward to his own resurrection with us, together as one body, the family of Yahweh. Why will Yahweh judge the earth? to deliver His people, to punish the wicked inhabitants on earth. His indignation comes to destroy the wicked, which is our deliverance from birth pangs. Yahweh will establish his holy righteous Kingdom on planet earth; unfortunately for the wicked, this means their total obliteration, annihilation, and destruction by fire. The tares will be gathered and burned, the wheat will be gathered into His barn. You know the story, you know how it ends, just get ready and watch and pray. Sar Shalom is coming.

Gene Benjamin II

August 28, 2011 CE

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