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Son Of Man Bible
If you do make a derivative work, you must also change the title from Son Of Man Bible to a title of your choice. All of my Bible modules are available for download from this website under the Downloads menu. The Son Of Man Bible digital Bible modules are created for the e-Sword Bible Program for both PC and Apple devices, called SOMB.bblx and SOMB.bbli, respectively. E-Sword is available free from www.e-sword.net for PC, Apple, and Android devices. e-Sword for Android uses the SOMB.bbli for its Bible module. I have created a Bible module for the Android app MySword, available from www.mysword.info. Module for the latest MySword app is SOMB.bblx. These Bible modules are also available for FREE from www.biblesupport.com. Create an account, sign in, do a search for the "Unlocked Literal Bible 9" and scroll down to see the Son Of Man Bible modules available for download. I also created a Bible module for theWord Bible Program for PC. The Word is available from www.theword.net. Download the SOMB.ont Bible module from www.wordmodules.com. This site works exactly like biblesupport.com. Once you have your free SOMB Bible module downloaded to your device, using your file manager, just move the SOMB module to the e-Sword folder on PC, or to a download folder on Android and Apple devices, then use the e-Sword import function to import the SOMB.bbli to e-Sword, which updates the Bible instantly. Copy the SOMB.bblx to the MySword/bibles folder on your Android device. Then restart the MySword app. The Word Bible program has a module install function under its FILE menu. I also created a SOMB.bib module for the Bible Analyzer program for PC, Apple, and Linux. It's available on the Downloads menu. Just unzip and move the module to the Documents/Bible Analyzer User Modules folder. I also created a SOMB.docx import file for the LOGOS Bible software program/app.
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